Purchase a student parking permit
- Student Permit – can ONLY park in lots designated as “Permit Parking”
- Faculty & Staff Permit – can park in all permitted lots
- Hourly Short Term Parking – you must pay the $1 hourly rate if you park in this lot, even if you have a faculty/staff or student permit.
- Street Parking - Parking on campus, city or state streets will result in citations from WVU Tech or City of Beckley
Parking in the painted hatched areas will also result in a citation.
Accessible spaces on campus fall under DMV guidelines. Parking in these spaces will require both DMV-approved tags/decals and the proper WVU Tech parking pass.
Guest Parking
Displaying Permits
Permits must be clearly displayed from your rear-view mirror facing forward. Failure to do so may result in a citation.
If you drive a different car or a rental car, do not forget to transfer your permit to the new car. If you arrive on campus and realize you do not have your permit, it is recommend that park and pay in the Hourly Short-Term lot to avoid receiving a citation.
Lost Permits
There will be no ticketing during the first week of each semester and during class breaks.
Citations are typically $20 each, with the exception of parking illegally in an ADA space, which is $200.
Unpaid citations of $100 or more could result in towing. If towed, the University is not responsible for any items lost or damaged if the vehicle during towing, in accordance with state code 18B-4-6.
Appeals must be submitted electronically within 10 days of issuance of the citation. Failure to file an appeal within this time will result in the violator’s forfeiture of the privilege of appeal.